Fusion Marriage Workshop
Rekindle and ignite new vision into any marriage.
February 14 - 16 | Atlanta, Georgia
To align with God’s plan and purpose for your marriage, fusing together to create a foundation of love, hope and intimacy for your family and community.
The Fusion Marriage Workshop is designed to rekindle and ignite new vision into any marriage.It is an intentional three-day time of examining your marriage.Where are you letting love be consumed by anger or life’s challenges?What desires and longings are being closed down? How can we partner in a shared life that we both enjoy?
In three days, we will investigate and renew the commitment each marriage is made of.Fusion is a time of intimacy, speaking the unspoken conversations, and drawing closer to your spouse.
Fusion \ˈfyü-zhən\
The merging of different elements into a union
A union resulting from fusing:
Physics:A nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy.
Marriage is this dynamic! God has created two unique individuals with different personalities, gifts, talents, faults, weaknesses, family backgrounds, stories, wounds, and preferences. Marriage binds these two together into a crucible that has the potential for Fusion.The two come together and form something new as they experience intimacy, which allows them to be released agents of love and grace to this world.
Consider when was the last time you made an investment in your marriage? Or set aside the hurriedness of life long enough to enjoy the one you love?
Rekindle Your Romance
Training Structure
Fusion takes place over three days (typically starting on Friday, depending on that workshop). The first day 9am – 7pm, the second day is 9am – 5:30pm, and the third day is from 1:30pm – 530pm. While in the training, you will have the opportunity to engage in interactive exercises, lecturettes, small group and one-on-one conversations, and evening homework. Breaks are approximately every 2-3 hours, with an extended dinner break.
What can you expect?
Gaining tools and resourceful ways of receiving and taking a neutral look at feedback from others
Renewing intimacy with your spouse
Clarifying vision for your joint future
Exploring trust and where it is lacking
A safe place to have difficult conversations
Exploring dreams, desires, and longings with one another
Arguing effectively
Atlanta, Georgia | 1775 WATER PLACE
Local Information
Jerusalem Bakery & Grill
Middle Eastern
The Orient
Pappadeux Seafood Kitchen
Atlanta is known as the “Hollywood of the South” and showcases its Atlanta Film Festival.
It is also a city of the arts, with a thriving street art scene and many festivals and events.
ATL Airport (25 miles)
Get in touch.
Our training Sponsors are individuals who have been through the training, had their lives transformed, and came back to GAP Community saying, “I’ve GOT to bring this training to my area.” The Sponsor oversees a team of volunteers who do all the work upfront to see that the training happens. We love and trust our Sponsors and we wouldn’t have trainings across the globe without them!
Contact the Fusion Atlanta Sponsor:
Placida Braswell