Fusion Marriage Workshop

Rekindle and ignite new vision into any marriage.


FEBRUARY 14 - 16

Atlanta, GA

To align with God’s plan and purpose for your marriage, fusing together to create a foundation of love, hope and intimacy for your family and community.

The Fusion Marriage Workshop is designed to rekindle and ignite new vision into any marriage.It is an intentional three-day time of examining your marriage.Where are you letting love be consumed by anger or life’s challenges?What desires and longings are being closed down? How can we partner in a shared life that we both enjoy?

In three days, we will investigate and renew the commitment each marriage is made of.Fusion is a time of intimacy, speaking the unspoken conversations, and drawing closer to your spouse.

Fusion \ˈfyü-zhən\

  1. The merging of different elements into a union

  2. A union resulting from fusing:

  3. Physics:A nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy.

Marriage is this dynamic! God has created two unique individuals with different personalities, gifts, talents, faults, weaknesses, family backgrounds, stories, wounds, and preferences. Marriage binds these two together into a crucible that has the potential for Fusion.The two come together and form something new as they experience intimacy, which allows them to be released agents of love and grace to this world.

Consider when was the last time you made an investment in your marriage? Or set aside the hurriedness of life long enough to enjoy the one you love?

Rekindle Your Romance

Training Structure

Fusion takes place over three days (typically starting on Friday, depending on that workshop). The first day 9am – 7pm, the second day is 9am – 5:30pm, and the third day is from 1:30pm – 530pm. While in the training, you will have the opportunity to engage in interactive exercises, lecturettes, small group and one-on-one conversations, and evening homework. Breaks are approximately every 2-3 hours, with an extended dinner break.

What can you expect?

  • Gaining tools and resourceful ways of receiving and taking a neutral look at feedback from others

  • Renewing intimacy with your spouse

  • Clarifying vision for your joint future

  • Exploring trust and where it is lacking

  • A safe place to have difficult conversations

  • Exploring dreams, desires, and longings with one another

  • Arguing effectively

Training Elements

Mini-Lectures:The Facilitator will highlight principles that contribute to the creation of a marriage defined by intimacy and characterized by love and forgiveness. These lectures are deigned to be Socratic, which means they open up questions and invite participation.

Sharing:Sharing is voluntary.Sharing can happen one-on-one, in small groups or with the whole group.All during the training you will have a chance to know yourself better by sharing, talking about what you are thinking, what you are learning and hearing about your own and others’ experiences.Just like in life, participation equals value!The more that you participate the more value that you experience and the more you create for others.

Small Group Exercises: You will participate in experiential exercises used as a tool to deepen understanding of the topics that are introduced.

One-on-One Interaction:There will be opportunities to answer questions and complete sentence stems with your spouse. Through these structured interactions, couples are able to consider and verbalize crucial thoughts and feelings pertaining to their marriage.

Listening:To increase your ability to listen carefully and to discover how well you listen occasionally the Facilitator will request that you close your eyes.

Interaction with the Facilitator:At times you may be talking directly with the Facilitator.The Facilitator will challenge you to look at your life in terms of personal responsibility, to consider what prices you and others pay for your decisions, to consider where you play the “victim” and where you take responsibility for your choices. You may feel challenged, anxious and uncomfortable when looking at your life and your choices from other perspectives or working with things that you are not used to addressing.

Music:Music is an important part of the training.The music is adapted to many preferences and styles and is always thematic. You are encouraged to listen to the words as well as the tune.

Homework:During evening or meal breaks throughout the training you will be asked to complete written homework.The homework is designed to prepare and support you for the next phase of the training.It will usually take at least 30-45 minutes to complete each time.

Challenge:During the training all parts of your being will be engaged and challenged: intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually.You may experience thoughts, feelings or sensations that are new or unique.This is an exciting learning experience that will include a high degree of personal challenge.Your participation is your choice.Think about the opportunity to confront your struggles, fears and limitations head-on and go for it!

INvest in your marriage

  • "Fusion reminded us of what matters most in our relationship and how to nurture it."

    Seth and Dionna Schmidt

  • "Fusion has opened up so much hope for our future together, and after all of these years, brought us closer together than I even knew possible."

    Andrea and Jonathan Leeper

  • "Fusion invites honest expression of what has been hard and divisive in marriage, and tenderly transforms that hard stuff into the loving energy that marriage is made to be."

    Michael and Rachelle Bennie

  • "This gave us a safe place to root out core areas of breakdown and not only make it to the other side, but to come out with a powerful clarity of vision to move forward in together."

    Laurence and Hallie Gong