caitlin baird
apprentice trainer
Caitlin Baird is a coach, speaker, and transformational trainer apprentice at Gap Community. With a B.A. in Music Business from Belmont University and an M.A. in Bible Exposition from Biola University, she has navigated careers in music publishing, concert promotion, ministry, and pastoring. Currently, Caitlin leads an organizational development initiative for an international healthcare company, creating original trainings, coaching leaders, and facilitating feedback sessions and difficult conversations. Passionate about helping leaders achieve excellent results by being exceptional individuals, Caitlin challenges the notion that playing 'the game' by certain rules is necessary for success. She assists corporate leaders in discovering their workplace aspirations and supports them in charting a path toward seemingly unattainable goals.
Caitlin plans to launch an organizational development consulting firm to help small businesses benefit from dedicated teams that foster meaningful performance, hard conversations, and value-driven metrics.
An avid reader and writer, Caitlin is currently working on her first fantasy novel. She lives in TN with her family.
Caitlin is dedicated to:
Before there was original sin, there was original blessing. Many people manage their lives from the perspective of Genesis 3 (the fall), losing connection with the goodness proclaimed in Genesis 1 (the blessing). By helping people live from their true identity, they can surrender old stories, step into greatness, and generously will the good of others.
Each day is teeming with possibility, hope, and wonder—yet many of us don't see our lives this way. To excite is to animate, stir up, awaken the dormant, raise, create, and put in motion. When human beings tap into their deepest longings and choose to suffer for the sake of a greater vision—that is something worth being excited about.
Forgiveness is an empowering choice that opens the door to a brighter future filled with love and new possibilities. By releasing others from their debts, we also free ourselves, creating a profound transformation in our relationships and lives. Embracing forgiveness brings redemption to our pain and suffering, allowing us to step into a renewed and fulfilling existence.