Awaken Training
Wake up to God’s call on your life, your unconscious beliefs, your impact on people and new ways of loving others
What is the Awaken Training?
The Awaken Training is truly a chance to step into your greatness, to engage your hero’s journey. You will wake up to the beliefs you have about yourself, others, God or circumstances that limit possibilities for attaining your vision and living life to the fullest. By revealing “blind spots” in your thinking, you will see beyond circumstances into a compelling future. It is a wake-up call to experiencing your impact on people and crafting the legacy you leave.
Just as Ephesians 5:13-14 says, when we come into the light, our thinking can be aligned with our vision, and new possibilities for life are awakened.
The Awaken Training is open to everyone ages 18+ who is willing to courageously engage what’s next on their journey.
Training Structure
Awaken takes place over four consecutive days (generally Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday), and there is an optional follow-up six hour session a week to ten days after the training.
Each full day begins at 10:00 a.m. and typically ends at approximately 10:30 p.m., except the final evening of Day Four which ends at approximately 6:30 p.m. While in the training, you will have the opportunity to engage in interactive exercises, lecturettes, small group and one-on-one conversations. Awaken Trainings will begin at 9am on Sundays and conclude at approximately 6:30pm
Breaks are approximately every 2-3 hours, with an extended dinner break.
What can you expect?
Overcoming relational roadblocks and ties from the past that keep you bound
Looking at the impact you ARE having versus the impact you WANT to have and aligning the two
Open possibility and access resource in areas of conflict where you haven’t experienced possibility in the past
Realizing new levels of freedom to speak up, share yourself and enjoy the gift that you are
Examining the power of judgments and how they affect what one hears or doesn’t hear.
Giving and receiving feedback in a way that produces results and relationship
Mini-Lectures: The Trainer or participants may offer points of view about different subjects. Whether you agree or disagree is your choice. Be willing to discuss and explore your perspective with others in the group. The value will be in getting clear about what you really do believe and testing out how you stand for what your believe. The Trainer will speak about things that relate to a Christian’s life of love and forgiveness. The main standard to measure our relationships with is “love your neighbor as yourself.” It is a starting place, a foundation for us to learn how to live and love other people.
Sharing: Sharing is voluntary. Sharing can happen one-on-one, in small groups or with the whole group. All during the training you will have a chance to know yourself better by sharing, talking about what you are thinking, what you are learning and hearing about your own and others’ experiences. Just like in life, participation equals value! The more that you participate the more value that you experience and the more you create for others.
Small Group Exercises: You will, at different times, meet with a group of about 4-6 other participants for casual discussions or specific relational exercises.
One-on-One Interaction: In order to make progress, you may be asked to answer a number of questions, tell a story, complete sentences or take on a particular body position (like standing up). You will have an opportunity to see new solutions for the problems and issues that you struggle with and to support the other participants to do the same. Sometimes participants find this an intense or emotional experience. Please be honest about your feelings at all times.
Listening: To increase your ability to listen carefully and to discover how well you listen occasionally the Trainer will request that you close your eyes.
Interaction with the Trainer: At times you may be talking directly with the Trainer. The Trainer will challenge you to look at your life in terms of personal responsibility, to consider what prices you and others pay for your decisions, to consider where you play the “victim” and where you take responsibility for your choices. You may feel challenged, anxious and uncomfortable when looking at your life and your choices from other perspectives or working with things that you are not used to addressing.
Music: Music is an important part of the training. The music is adapted to many preferences and styles and is always thematic. You are encouraged to listen to the words as well as the tune.
Homework: During evening or meal breaks throughout the training you will be asked to complete written homework. The homework is designed to prepare and support you for the next phase of the training. It will usually take at least 30-45 minutes to complete each time.
Worship: You will discover and explore your own creative and powerful expressions of worship and have the opportunity to be involved in individual and group worship during the training.
Challenge: During the training all parts of your being will be engaged and challenged: intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually. You may experience thoughts, feelings or sensations that are new or unique. This is an exciting learning experience that will include a high degree of personal challenge. Your participation is your choice. Think about the opportunity to confront your struggles, fears and limitations head-on and go for it!
Learn the spiritual and relational principles of experiencing and living out a changed life. These are foundational realities God has sown into the universe, allowing us to co-create something new in any arena of life. This is the groundwork for the Awaken Training. Principles include sowing and reaping, prices and payoffs, interrogating current reality and exploring internal conversations.
Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 2 Corinthians 3:18
The essence of any relationship is created and shifted in how we hold our word, both with others and ourselves. Jesus, himself, is known as The Promise. This is an opportunity to awaken to new levels of integrity, noticing strategies that interfere with living out vision, and overcoming fears of confrontation.
Ecclesiastes 5:4-7, Mathew 5:33-37, Deuteronomy 23:23
We are called to love – even those who we find difficult to love. Jesus says to love our enemies and to do good to those who mistreat you. This is an opportunity to awaken to new levels of love and community by addressing automatic judgments, practicing committed relationship and being with others as you would want others to be with you.
Matthew 5:43-48, I Corinthians 12:27, Hebrews 10:24-25
We all have blind spots that keep us from seeing ourselves accurately. Our willingness to give and receive honest feedback allows us to get a greater picture of our impact on others. This is an opportunity to transform your relationship to feedback, engage honesty and care in your communication, and begin to see yourself in a new light that opens up profound possibility for transformation.
Proverbs 19:20, Proverbs 27:6, Proverbs 27:17
It’s one thing to have a vision. It’s another thing to have it happen, regardless of the circumstance. This is an opportunity to be confident in your ability to make the impact you are committed to, awaken to new levels of freedom in your vision and transform any moment into a powerful expression of love for others.
Galatians 6:7, Galatians 5:13, Ephesians 4:1
We often make assumptions about our level of care in relationships and life. How do we know we aren’t fooling ourselves; meanwhile others and ourselves are suffering? This is an opportunity to wake up to your commitment to care passionately for others, examine the results of how we hold our word, and press past what is comfortable and into the unprecedented future we long for.
Philippians 2:4, Galatians 6:2, Galatians 6:9-10
We all have things in our lives that we’d rather not talk about – things we’ve done and things done to us. It is not the thing we keep hidden that kills us, but the act of hiding that kills us, slowly. This is an opportunity to step out of the darkness and into the light, experience exhilarating levels of passion and freedom, and regain the immense amount of energy expended in hiding.
I John 1:9, James 5:16, Proverbs 28:13
Brennan Manning says, “In every encounter we either give life or we drain it; there is no neutral exchange.” Every day we are either choosing life or death with our loved ones. This is a profound opportunity to awaken to the urgency of life and death, transform your relationship to choice and freedom, and take responsibility for your impact.
Deuteronomy 30:19, John 10:10, James 4:14
We all have visions and dreams for the life that we long to live. The scriptures say that we reap what we sow. If that is how God has orchestrated the universe, then our job is to sow the future we long to create. What if that could happen in any moment, with anyone? This is an opportunity to awaken to the power of sowing your commitments, creating a dynamic experience for others, and realizing the abundant life God has called you into.
Psalm 37:5, Ephesians 6:13, Luke 9:62
Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” In all of our relationships we make choices to either give generously to the people we love, or live in scarcity and take what we think we need. What if you were freed up to live in abundance, regardless of the circumstances? This is an opportunity to wake up to the power of generously giving to others, openly receive from them, discover resources that you never knew were available, and experience the tangible results of an abundant life.
Acts 20:35, Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6
We all have hurts and disappointments from our past. We can choose to carry these heavy weights around with us, and bring them into every relationship. The problem is, we often cannot see what we’re carrying, but we can see the results. Stepping through the doors of forgiveness is often what releases us into exhilarating levels of joy and freedom.
Hebrews 12:15, Isaiah 51:5, Matthew 6:14-15
We all have a story to tell – a lifetime of moments, relationships and circumstances that we look back on with joy, regret, sorrow, and love. We often determine what’s possible based on where we’ve been and who we’ve become. This is an opportunity to reinvent new ways of relating to the past, experience a release from the grip of what has been, and a transformation in your ability to love others.
Philippians 4:8, Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesian 4:20-24
The Awaken Training ends in a powerful culmination of celebrating life and unprecedented transformation that will last a lifetime. This time includes moments of deep gratitude, worship, sharing testimonies and preparing for what’s next.
Congratulations – you’ve just Awakened!
Nairobi is also often used as a jumping-off point for safari trips elsewhere in Kenya.
Nairobi got its name, meaning "cool water," from the Maasai phrase "Enkare Nairobi."
The name refers to the Nairobi River flowing through the city. In the past, the whole area, including the city, used to be marshy and empty. As Nairobi grew, the Maasai, who had large grazing lands, were moved south to make room for the expanding city. This reflects both the city's name origin tied to the river and the changes in Nairobi's landscape and culture over time.
Get in touch.
Our training Sponsors are individuals who have been through the training, had their lives transformed, and came back to GAP Community saying, “I’ve GOT to bring this training to my area.” The Sponsor oversees a team of volunteers who do all the work upfront to see that the training happens. We love and trust our Sponsors and we wouldn’t have trainings across the globe without them!
Jiyou Kim